
Exploring biochar as an alternative sudden oak death treatment

Sudden oak death disease has killed thousands of tanoaks on Oregon’s south coast. Since it was detected in Oregon in 2001, the standard practice to help slow the spread of the pathogen that causes the disease has been ...

Apr 2024 | Impact Story

Sea Grant Extension makes fishermen aware of gear that keeps seabirds from getting hooked on fishing lines

To catch black cod, halibut and other fish, some fishing boats set a long line of baited hooks on the seafloor. But seabirds, including the endangered short-tailed albatross, can get caught if they try to steal the bait ...

Apr 2024 | Impact Story

Environmental Leadership for Youth introduces Indigenous and migrant students to science and college

Hispanic migrant and Indigenous students are underrepresented in natural science careers and higher education. To change this, Oregon Sea Grant helps organize annual summer camps that aim to pique these teens’ interest in the ...

Mar 2024 | Impact Story

Partnership educates Clatsop County Hispanic-Latinx residents about natural hazards

Latinos are the fastest-growing demographic in Oregon and often work in coastal industries located in high tsunami risk areas. This creates a necessity for natural hazard preparedness materials that consider the specific needs and ...

Mar 2024 | Impact Story

Extension responds to inequities with emergency preparedness events for Lincoln County’s Latino and Mesoamerican Indigenous residents

The 2020 Echo Mountain Complex Fire that burned over 2,500 acres and impacted 368 structures in Lincoln County exposed the communication inequities and gaps in resources for the county’s Latino and Indigenous Mesoamerican ...

Mar 2024 | Impact Story

Clatsop County students learn benefits of forests in revived tour

A rich environment of forests and natural resources, Clatsop County in the northwest corner of Oregon offers a bounty of opportunities for careers in forestry, environmental and natural resources. Many residents aren’t aware of ...

Apr 2023 | Impact Story

Led by OSU Extension Fire Program, statewide campaign prepares Oregonians for wildfire

In addition to climate change and a century of vegetation buildup, people contribute to wildfires more than ever. This is especially true as they move into houses that were built next to forest and agricultural lands where ...

May 2022 | Impact Story

OSU Extension Fire Program shares benefits of prescribed burning

For thousands of years, fire supported environmental health in many parts of Oregon through both natural occurrences and cultural practices of Indigenous peoples. But after more than a century of fires being suppressed, Oregon’s ...

May 2022 | Impact Story

OSU Extension Master Gardener Program increases diversity, equity and inclusivity

With 2,400 volunteers in 28 counties across the state, the 47-year-old Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener program made contact with at least 105,000 Oregonians in 2023. Traditionally, the structure and delivery ...

Feb 2024 | Impact Story

Latino and Mesoamerican Indigenous families grow their own food with help from OSU Extension

Latino and Mesoamerican Indigenous families in Lincoln County generally have less access to land for growing their own food. Due to language barriers – most of the residents speak Spanish or Mam, a language spoken by more ...

Apr 2022 | Impact Story