
Be Well Project helps Oregonians learn about contaminants in their well water

Approximately 25% of private wells in the United States that are used for drinking water contain contaminants that are known to increase the risk of chronic diseases. Arsenic and nitrate are the most frequently detected ...

Jul 2024 | Impact Story

Inaugural Extension 4-H Questing Clovers Retreat promotes youth inclusivity

In an effort to serve youths from underserved populations with identities that intersect with “geek culture,” Oregon State University Extension Service 4-H in Marion County created the Questing Clovers Retreat, an inclusive ...

Apr 2024 | Impact Story

Stinging nettle publication uplifts importance of Indigenous ‘superfood’

Stinging nettle is a plant that can sting and cause welts, but when the sting is removed a traditional “superfood” emerges. Native Indigenous peoples have gathered stinging nettles since time immemorial. They can be used ...

Mar 2024 | Impact Story

Extension research educates producers on leaf removal in Oregon vineyards

Wine grape vineyards are highly susceptible to powdery mildew and botrytis bunch rot, two fungal diseases that can destroy the grape crop and result in unsellable wine if not prevented and managed appropriately. One non-chemical ...

Mar 2024 | Impact Story

OSU Extension hemp web resources reach local, state, national and global audiences

The hemp industry is emerging not only in Oregon, but also across the United States and many parts of the world. However, there is a lack of information on hemp production methods, pest management, federal rules and ...

Mar 2024 | Impact Story

Extension offers support to build resiliency in farmers affected by climate stress and grief

A growing body of literature documents the mental health impacts of climate change on the general population, but with little focus on food producers that traditionally are less likely to seek out mental health support. However,...

Mar 2024 | Impact Story

Extension helps establish a statewide Walk With Ease referral process

Oregon State University Extension Service offers all Oregonians free enrollment into the Walk With Ease program. Walk With Ease is an evidence-based physical activity program developed by the Arthritis Foundation that is proven to ...

Feb 2024 | Impact Story

OSU Extension responds to avian flu with coordinated outreach

When the deadly highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was detected in Oregon in May 2022, poultry businesses were forced to cull infected birds, people with backyard chickens were worried about the fate of their birds and ...

Jun 2023 | Impact Story

OSU Extension helps Oregon’s woodland owners manage their land

Oregon's family woodland owners manage close to 4.5 million acres – or 40% of all private forestland in the state. They make substantial contributions to local economic, social, ecological and recreational services. Building ...

May 2023 | Impact Story

OSU Extension Oregon Naturalist program trains volunteers to be ambassadors for Oregon’s natural resources

People from all over the world come to enjoy Oregon’s beauty and natural resources, but few residents have the knowledge that would deepen appreciation of the state such as sharing how animals, plants and insects work ...

May 2023 | Impact Story