Farm-to-school programs provide nutrition education, access to local foods, and agricultural education, serving families inside and outside the classroom. Classrooms that participate in farm-to-school programs such as farm field trips, ...
In an effort to serve youths from underserved populations with identities that intersect with “geek culture,” Oregon State University Extension Service 4-H in Marion County created the Questing Clovers Retreat, an inclusive ...
In Josephine County and beyond, there is a growing concern about the declining population of pollinators, particularly bees, which play a crucial role in our ecosystem. The decline impacts our food supply and biodiversity. Many ...
Mar 2024 |
Impact Story
Credit Oregon State University (Cropped from original)
Roughly 63% if the population of Jefferson County is rural. While the county has a high school graduation rate that's above the state graduation rate, it lags in residents with a four-year college degree or greater – 21.4%...
Civic engagement is an important aspect of adolescent development and a core theme of 4-H education, and for the last 10+ years hundreds of soldiers and veterans have opened packages filled with stockings and filled by Oregon ...
Oregon State University Extension’s 4-H Youth Development Program in Lane County had been receiving requests for more programs that offered youths readiness skills that schools don’t always have time for. With schools having the...
Raising salmon and trout eggs in an elementary school classroom is an effective way to enhance a child’s understanding of how vitally important their environment is for their survival, and how people can greatly influence ...
When the deadly highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was detected in Oregon in May 2022, poultry businesses were forced to cull infected birds, people with backyard chickens were worried about the fate of their birds and ...
For several years, students in the Oregon State University Extension Service 4-H Youth Development Program’s middle school robotics programs in Wasco County have shown a high level of success by winning three state championships ...
After virtual school instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic, Oregon State University Extension Service 4-H Youth Development staff in Wasco County noticed that students coming to after-school programs had difficulty sharing materials, ...