In response to longer and more severe wildfire seasons, a growing population living in the wildland-urban interface and the extensive impacts of the 2020 Labor Day fires, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 762 in 2021, ...
As a land grant university, Oregon State University takes research and innovation out of the labs and puts them into practice in the communities and landscapes around the state through Extension programs. While OSU’s influence ...
Farm-to-school educational opportunities have been shown to result in positive impacts on young people, including introducing them to creative ways of learning about how to grow their own food and understanding a local food system....
Approximately 25% of private wells in the United States that are used for drinking water contain contaminants that are known to increase the risk of chronic diseases. Arsenic and nitrate are the most frequently detected ...
Oregon’s forests, an economic and recreational powerhouse, can be a topic of contention. Information – and sometimes misinformation – filters down to children, who when misinformed may grow up with distrust in the state’s ...
The number of Latinos in Yamhill County continues to grow, making up about 16% of the county’s population. However, Latinos, especially those in lower-income households, along with other underserved residents, have traditionally been...
Living on the Land Stewardship for Small Acreages is a class series that teaches small-acreage landowners and land managers how to improve their management practices with natural resources in mind. The Oregon State University ...
To keep pace with the workforce demands of the 21st century, there’s a growing need to provide students with immersive STEM experiences, including in marine science. To meet this need, since 2016 Oregon Sea Grant Extension ...
In an effort to serve youths from underserved populations with identities that intersect with “geek culture,” Oregon State University Extension Service 4-H in Marion County created the Questing Clovers Retreat, an inclusive ...
Apr 2024 |
Impact Story
Credit: Edd Melvin, Washington sea Grant (Cropped from original)
To catch black cod, halibut and other fish, some fishing boats set a long line of baited hooks on the seafloor. But seabirds, including the endangered short-tailed albatross, can get caught if they try to steal the bait ...