State House District 19

Networks foster support and learning as women in agriculture surge

Throughout the country, the number of women in agriculture is surging and that includes Oregon where 44% of the state’s farm producers are women. Still, working in an industry that is largely dominated by men causes some ...

Apr 2022 | Impact Story

OSU Extension Master Gardener Program increases diversity, equity and inclusivity

With nearly 2,800 volunteers in 27 counties across the state, the 46-year-old Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener program made contact with 78,700 Oregonians in 2022 – a significant increase from 2021's ...

Feb 2023 | Impact Story

As climate changes, interest grows in OSU Extension Dry Farming Project

With climate change causing ongoing drought and warmer temperatures in the West, there’s a critical need to develop alternative methods of producing the many and diverse vegetable crops grown in Oregon. Droughts translate into ...

Apr 2022 | Impact Story

OSU Extension-led team searches for chlorpyrifos alternatives for controlling insect pests in Oregon grass seed crops

Oregon leads the country in grass seed production, with over 400,000 acres grown each year. Insect pest issues continue to be an issue for Oregon’s grass seed growers, impacting profitability due to both crop damage and the ...

Mar 2022 | Impact Story

OSU Extension researches alternative pesticides to fight cabbage maggot

In the Willamette Valley, cabbage maggot devastates a wide variety of crops, causing substantial economic loss for many farmers. Most often, farmers used to control the damaging insect with chlorpyrifos insecticides. In 2020, the ...

Mar 2022 | Impact Story

OSU Extension gives Master Gardeners tools to broaden understanding of biodiversity

From tiny insects to towering trees, Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener volunteers are often called upon to identify the flora and fauna of Oregon. Plant and animal identification is a specialized skill that...

Mar 2022 | Impact Story

Teen learning experiences transformed by dive into VR app creation

Coupled with broad, societal misconceptions about food and agriculture, an aging crisis is threatening farming. According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, the average age of an American farmer is 57, 10 years older than the ...

Feb 2022 | Impact Story

OSU hemp center leads environmental sustainability and equity efforts

Hemp has the potential to become a major agricultural commodity in Oregon and the United States, with hemp plant fiber being used in manufactured products, including clothing, construction materials and packaging. Meanwhile, hemp ...

Feb 2022 | Impact Story

OSU research finds slugs go 'bonkers' for bread dough

Since the beginning of recorded history, slugs have ravaged crops and today are responsible for billions of dollars in damage – including between $60-$100 million to Oregon’s valuable grass seed industry alone, according to ...

Nov 2021 | Impact Story

Hazelnut stewardship initiative highlights Oregon’s sustainable practices

As Oregon continues to flex its muscles in the hazelnut industry, the need for promoting sustainable practices has accelerated. To strengthen an already-strong market share – Oregon leads production in the U.S. and is third in...

May 2021 | Impact Story